Collider component reference

Click add component button at the bottom of Properties panel and then select Collider component from add Collider component, then you add the Collider component to the node.

Collider component properties

property Function Explanation
tag The collider tag. If there are several collider components in a node, you can use the tag to judge which collider component on the node is collided.
editing Whether to edit this coliider component, only used in the editor.

Detailed Explanation

One node can have several collider components, and these collider components can be different type.

We have three collider component types now, they are PolygonCirecleBox. These component all inherit from Collider component.

Polygon collider component properties

property Function Explanation
offset Position offset from Component to Node.
points Component vertices array

Cirecle collider component properties

property Function Explanation
offset Position offset from Component to Node.
radius Component radius.

Box collider component properties

property Function Explanation
offset Position offset from Component to Node.
size Component size.

More information about Collider can be find in Collider System

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